Success Cruise Ducks

What is a Cruise Duck?
Cruising ducks are usually small plastic or rubber ducks that people hide on cruise ships. But there's so much more to it! You can buy traditional yellow rubber ducks or show off your personality with fun themed ducks.
The History Of Cruise Ducks
Although references can be found as far back as 2015 of people playing hide-and-seek with the adorable plastic creatures , the credit for the trend is given to a young 10 year old girl by the name of Abby Davis. She and her father Ashley, went on a Carnival Cruise in March 2018 and brought with them a total of 50 ducks to hide on their 7 day Caribbean Cruise. Their purpose was just to play a fun game and make people smile – and did they ever!
What To Do When You Find A Success Cruise Duck...
1. Do a celebratory "Found a Success Cruise Duck" dance...ConQUACKulations!!
2. Take a picture with the Success Cruise Duck you found
3. Click the Success Cruise Duck button below and fill out the short survey
(you will be entered into a free monthly giveaway drawing upon completing it)
4. Click the "Join FB Group" button below and join the Success Cruise Duck group to share with other fellow Cruise Duck Hunters and celebrate giveaway winners
5. Post your picture with the Success Cruise Duck on your social media with the hashtag #SuccessCruiseDuck in the description and/or comment line
6. Keep the Success Cruise Duck as a souvenir or Hide the Success Cruise Duck so someone else can have the same fun as you just did.
Great Luck Success Cruise Duck Hunting
There are a lot of sounds coming from the Success Cruise Duck hatchery. It will not be long before the first batch of ducks hatch and begin their cruise ship invasions. If you happen to be on a cruise ship with Success Jenkins, be sure to share with him your Success Cruise Duck and receive a special surprise!!